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Why Vegetarian Food Is the Best Food ?


Are you seeking to deepen your sensitivity to life and enhance your perception? Then, consider the importance of what you consume. The type of food that brings happiness to your body can reveal profound insights. You may naturally find that vegetarian or plant-based foods contribute to a sense of well-being.

In today’s fast-paced world, many individuals opt for just one meal a day, which sustains them for the entire 24 hours. But why do a significant number of Indians choose a vegetarian lifestyle? Roughly 38% of Indians are pure vegetarians, a stark contrast to the 5% in the USA. However, accurate data for Bangladesh remains uncertain.

Looking back 50 years, nearly 60% of the Indian population followed a vegetarian diet. Yet, influenced by Western-educated doctors advocating for meat consumption, dietary trends shifted. Nevertheless, in India, meat is often considered a side dish rather than the main course.

So, what’s behind the preference for vegetarianism? Turning inward plays a pivotal role. As individuals delve deeper into self-reflection, they recognize the profound impact of diet. While a high-protein, meat-rich diet may appeal to those aiming for physical strength and muscle mass, those aspiring to heightened sensitivity and perception realize the critical importance of their dietary choices.

In the human body, different foods traverse the alimentary canal at varying speeds, impacting the body differently. The rate at which food moves through the system and its effects are crucial considerations for maintaining physical well-being.

For instance, cooked vegetables take between twenty-four to thirty hours to pass through the system, whereas raw vegetables require only twelve to fourteen hours. Fruits, with their high water content, transit through the body in the shortest time, typically one-and-a-half to three hours.

Recognizing these effects has led to an appreciation of consuming foods that leave minimal residue and impurities, efficiently processed by the body. This understanding has influenced specific approaches to meal timings, particularly within yoga and mindful eating practices, which emphasize not just when to eat but also the importance of foods that allow the stomach to empty within a certain timeframe.

Personal dietary habits underscore the importance of recognizing individual responses to food, fostering a personalized approach to meal timings and frequency. The focus remains on understanding the body’s unique needs and responding appropriately, rather than adhering rigidly to dietary norms.

Food isn’t solely about sustenance; it’s a fundamental necessity linked to the body’s comfort and well-being. The observation that the body thrives with vegetarian or plant-based foods underscores the significance of understanding how different dietary choices impact overall health.

Transitioning towards vegetarianism is viewed as a natural progression as societies evolve beyond mere survival, aiming to elevate life towards greater levels of perception and experience.

In summary, the impact of dietary choices on the human body holds profound implications across various contexts, influencing personal dietary practices and broader perspectives on food and well-being.

By recognizing the significance of what we consume, we embark on a journey towards heightened sensitivity to life and enhanced perception, forging deeper connections between mind, body, and the world around us.

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