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Home » Flavorful Shrimp and Unripe Jackfruit Curry Recipe

Flavorful Shrimp and Unripe Jackfruit Curry Recipe


Today, you’ll discover a mouthwatering recipe featuring raw jackfruit. This delightful dish combines the savory goodness of shrimp with the unique flavor of unripe jackfruit. Once you taste it, you won’t be able to resist its deliciousness—it’s a truly satisfying and wholesome meal.


Here’s what you’ll need:



Shrimp: Half a cup
Salt: To taste
Turmeric powder: As needed
Mustard oil: As required
Cinnamon: To add aroma
Cloves: For a hint of spice
Cardamom: Enhancing the fragrance
Bay leaf: For added flavor
Onion paste: 1 teaspoon
Tomato paste: 1 teaspoon
Ginger-garlic paste: 1 teaspoon
Chili powder: 1/2 teaspoon
Cumin powder: 1 tablespoon
Coriander powder: 1 tablespoon
Garam masala powder: To taste



Begin by cutting the unripe jackfruit into medium-sized pieces and giving them a thorough wash. Boil them with salt and turmeric until cooked, then drain off the water.

Heat up some mustard oil in a pan and add cinnamon, cloves, cardamom, and bay leaf to infuse the oil with their flavors.

Stir in the onion paste, tomato paste, ginger-garlic paste, chili powder, coriander powder, cumin powder, turmeric powder, ground pepper, and salt. Let the spices cook until aromatic.

Add the shrimp and pre-boiled unripe jackfruit pieces to the pan, ensuring they’re well coated with the flavorful spices.

Cover the pan and let the curry simmer over low heat for about 10-12 minutes, stirring occasionally. Avoid high heat to maintain the flavors. Just before serving, sprinkle some garam masala powder for an extra burst of flavor.

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