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How to stop snoring effecctive way

I’m 32 years old, and suddenly, I started snoring. I discovered it one night when I was listening to a song on my mobile. By accident, I pressed the recording option on my phone without realizing it, and then I fell asleep. The whole night, the phone kept recording, and when I woke up early in the morning, I was surprised to see the recording still on.

When I played the recording, I was even more surprised to hear the snoring sound. From that moment, I realized that this problem was coming from me, and I became very upset. No one had ever mentioned anything about it before.

I decided to follow some yoga techniques, and day by day, I saw improvement. Now, I am free from this annoying snoring issue. If you follow these methods, you can get rid of it easily, which is why I am sharing this with you.

Snoring is a prevalent problem affecting many people. Surprisingly, it’s also a significant factor in relationship issues, even leading to divorce in some cases. According to a statistical survey conducted in 2022 in the United States, approximately 19 percent of people aged 55 to 64 reported that they or their partner snore. The data provides insights into the prevalence of snoring across different age groups.

Read the full article here.

When someone snores, they often don’t realize it, as they enjoy a peaceful sleep throughout the night. However, the person sleeping beside them may find it irritating, leading to quarrels and relationship stress. Some people snore softly, while others snore so loudly that it can feel like an ear-splitting disturbance for those nearby. If this problem persists, it can significantly affect the quality of sleep for everyone involved.

Why You Should Be Mindful About Snoring

It’s crucial to be considerate about snoring and its impact on others. It’s not just about getting your good night’s sleep but ensuring those around you can rest peacefully, too. Being selfish about sleep can lead to frustration and irritability in others due to poor sleep quality. Therefore, it’s essential to address your snoring problem. Here are some effective strategies you can try to manage or completely overcome snoring.

1. Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on your back can cause your tongue to fall backward, partially blocking the nasal passage and leading to snoring.

The best sleeping position is on your side, as it keeps the nasal passages open and allows for smooth airflow. It’s especially beneficial to start sleeping on your left side for better digestion.

Tip: Practice Shavasana during the day to reduce stress levels, as a stress-free life can improve sleep quality.

2. Elevate Your Head

Elevating your head slightly while sleeping can help reduce snoring. Use a pillow to keep your head above your body, allowing your face to tilt slightly downward. This position helps to keep the airways open. Adjust the height of the pillow to avoid neck strain, especially if you suffer from cervical spondylitis. In that case, you can use a folded towel for support.

3. Try Aromatherapy

Essential oils such as eucalyptus or lavender can help keep nasal passages clear. Inhaling these oils before bedtime or using them in a warm bath can naturally reduce congestion by decreasing inflammation in the nasal passage. These oils act as natural decongestants.

4. Avoid Sedatives Before Bed

Taking sedatives before bed can worsen snoring. Instead, try yoga techniques to relax naturally. Practicing alternate nostril breathing before sleeping—inhale from the right nostril for two seconds, then exhale from the left, and switch—can help reduce snoring.

In Bed: Use breathing techniques to address snoring issues.

5. Decongest Your Nasal Passages and Muscles

Fat accumulation around the neck can contribute to snoring. Therefore, losing weight in this area is essential. Certain yoga poses can help:

  • Simha Mudra (Lion Pose): Open your mouth wide and stick your tongue out.
  • Jal Neti: A practice that clears the airways and keeps them healthy.
  • Kapal Randhra Dhauti: Helps make facial muscles flexible and clears the sinuses.

Other effective poses include Vakrasana, Talasana, Parvatasana, and Konasana, which help open the shoulder and neck areas, promoting better breathing.

If you want to learn more about these exercises, then follow this  video.

Pranayama Practices:

  • Clavicular Breathing: Place your palms at shoulder level, inhale while lifting the chest, and exhale while lowering it.
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing: Lie down, place a hand on your stomach, and breathe in and out slowly, noticing the movement of your stomach. This practice increases lung volume and improves breathing.

Dietary Recommendations for Reducing Snoring

Maintaining a sattvic diet is vital for weight management and health. Avoid mucus-producing foods such as dairy, non-vegetarian dishes, processed food, soy, and sugary items. Alcohol should also be avoided as it can exacerbate snoring and harm overall health.

Foods to Include:

  • Onion: Acts as a natural decongestant.
  • Green Tea: Known for its decongestant properties.
  • Honey and Lemon: A natural remedy for reducing mucus.
  • Turmeric: Its anti-inflammatory properties help alleviate snoring.

 Follow These Steps for a Snore-Free Sleep

Monitoring your sleep patterns is essential to avoiding snoring. Start by sleeping on your left side for added health benefits. Follow these practices regularly for a peaceful, noise-free night.

Implement these steps mindfully to improve your life and the lives of those around you. Namaskar!