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How to remove constiputaion naturlly?


Constipation can feel like a daunting problem, but with the right approach, it’s manageable. It is often the subject of jokes, but those who suffer from it know how uneasy it makes them feel, leading to bloating, stomach aches, and even other unpleasant symptoms like headaches and nausea.

Understanding Constipation

Constipation is a common condition in the gastrointestinal system where individuals experience hard stools and difficulty expelling them. It is characterized by fewer than three bowel movements per week, hard or lumpy stools, stomach cramps, and feelings of bloating and nausea, which can significantly affect one’s quality of life.

My Story

My name is Roni Sarker, and I’m 32 years old. I work at a desk all day, which has resulted in me suffering from piles. The pain is unbearable, sometimes making it difficult for me to move. My eating habits and long hours of sitting are largely to blame, and I’ve experienced headaches and nausea as a result.

In my search for prevention methods online, I stumbled upon yoga videos that truly changed my life. Enrolling in an online course helped me transform my lifestyle. I want to share with you the remedies I discovered to eliminate constipation naturally and permanently.

The Three C’s of Constipation Management

  1. Control
    • Monitor everything you eat and drink.
    • Drink warm water first thing in the morning and last thing before bed.
    • Include fresh vegetables, and fiber.
    • Fix a specific time for your daily bowel movements.
    • Control your mind by practicing yogic techniques.
  2. Concentration
    • Focus on your digestive organs to energize them.
    • Avoid distractions like reading newspapers or scrolling through your phone while in the toilet.
    • Use your breath and muscles for successful waste elimination.
    • Incorporate yoga asanas that involve pelvic movement to improve digestive health.
  3. Consistency
    • Commit to regular practice of yoga and healthy habits.
    • Your practice becomes firm when done consistently over time.

Natural Remedies for Constipation

As someone passionate about health and wellness, I’ve learned several effective strategies to help relieve constipation:

  • Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water is crucial. Begin your day with a glass of warm water, and consider adding lemon juice, honey, and a pinch of turmeric to enhance digestion.
  • Incorporate More Fiber: A diet rich in fiber can make a significant difference. I personally recommend papaya and bananas for their digestive benefits.
  • Engage in Regular Walking: Walking is not just exercise; it’s a natural way to encourage bowel movements. Aim for at least 10,000 steps a day, and stroll for 15-30 minutes after meals to promote relaxation and digestion.
  • Practice Yoga: Incorporating yoga poses such as Pavanmuktasana and Trikonasana into your routine can facilitate digestion and alleviate constipation.
  • Consume Probiotics: Foods like yogurt and buttermilk can help restore the balance of gut bacteria, essential for digestive health.
  • Mind Your Mental Health: Stress and anxiety can exacerbate constipation. I often recommend mindfulness practices like Sukhasana or Shavasana to promote relaxation.


Constipation is a condition, not a disease, and can be effectively managed with simple lifestyle changes. By drinking plenty of water, eating a fiber-rich diet, staying active, practicing yoga, and focusing on mental well-being, anyone can overcome this challenge.

Always keep in mind your health. Your world can be a more wonderful place when you feel comfortable in your body. As I always say, don’t wait until morning to check your phone; focus on your health first!
