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Discover the Superfood Whose Benefits Speak for Themselves

Hello, Namaskar everyone . Today I will tell you a superfood that’s benefit never ever seen . It is called  (ghee) means butter.

In Bangladesh and India it is more essential in every household. Ghee(butter) is most important ingredient even in poojas . Moreover is it superfood , a golden liquid which has numeral benefits . Here are some benefits of  Ghee:

  • Ghee contributes to healthy digestion by helping heal and repair the stomach lining
  • This can be particularly valuable for intestinal disorders like disease
  • Consuming a spoon of ghee early in the morning really helps in the health of the digestive tract.
  • Happy Heart: Ghee is high in monounsaturated omega-3. Ghee, in fact, is much safer for the heart
    than any other refined oils. Ghee can be consumed in small quantities. 1 teaspoon as a source of saturated fats.
  • Antioxidant: Ghee is effective in neutralizing prediabetes, and thereby it also reduces the risk of cancer.
  • Shiny Skin: Ghee has some amazing fatty acids which help in hydrating your skin. Ghee
    is a natural moisturizer and helps in keeping your skin moisturized in dry and windy atmosphere.
  • No Nasal Congestion: Ayurveda has an excellent nasal drop remedy which is known as Nyasa. This treatment involves 2 drops of warm cow’s ghee first thing in the morning in your nostrils. By putting drops of ghee in your nasal passage in the morning can give you quick relief from these symptoms, as ghee travels all the way down to your throat and manages throat infection. Make sure ghee is pure and it is warm to come to a lukewarm temperature when you put the drops. Better consult an ayurvedic doctor before trying this.


To attain all these benefits, ghee should be pure ghee and the best way to get pure ghee is to make it yourself. I will tell you how to make ghee at home. Get healthy cow’s milk, boil milk with slow fire.

Once it is boiled ,cool down and then put this in a refrigerator and cool down completely. Cream will come up, remove the cream and put it in a bottle. Everyday you will be doing this and collecting cream in a bottle. Once you have sufficient cream then you put a little curd in that at night and next day start churning it and little churning will bring the butter up. This white butter has to be boiled on fire. It should be slow fire. And slowly this butter will convert into liquid which is nothing else but ghee and very good ghee (butter).

How much should we eat?

According to your age, according to your activities, according to how you burn your calories, you can consume ghee(butter). 1 teaspoon full is a must but you can add more in case you are doing more rigorous activities. Little ghee on chapati is our culture, little ghee in rice is our culture, doing seasoning of ghee in dals is also our culture. So follow these things they are very good cultures and see to it that you get the right quantity of ghee in your body. After all ghee is a package of total health benefits. Add ghee to your diet like sweets, halwa, gravy, and chapati. Use

little, touch, but definitely use ghee. Ghee not only adds taste and flavor but it is a total health.

Namaskar “Good day to all”

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