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96% People Drink Water in The Wrong Way



It’s remarkable to consider that our body is predominantly composed of water—about 78%. This vital natural element is crucial for maintaining good health. Despite its importance, many people tend to overlook proper hydration habits, which can lead to various health issues. Today, we’ll explore common mistakes people make when drinking water and how to avoid them for better health.

Common Mistakes When Drinking Water

1. Drinking Chilled Water

When you’re feeling extremely hot in summer or after intense physical activity, it might be tempting to reach for chilled water from the fridge. However, according to Ayurveda and yoga, drinking chilled water can disrupt your digestive temperature and gastric juices. The body has to expend extra energy to warm the water to body temperature, leaving less energy available for digestion. Therefore, it’s better to drink water at room temperature or slightly warm. Warm water aids digestion, improves blood circulation, and helps keep your arteries clean.

2. Taking Big Gulps of Water

Gulping down large amounts of water quickly can upset your stomach. Our saliva, which is alkaline, neutralizes stomach acidity. If you drink large gulps of water, it doesn’t mix well with saliva, potentially causing acid reflux and related problems. The right way to drink water is to sip it slowly, allowing it to mix with saliva before it enters your system. Sipping water also helps your body absorb more water and keeps you hydrated better.

3. Drinking Water While Standing, Walking, or Running

Drinking water while standing, walking, or running causes it to flow straight down into your digestive system in a rush, which can prevent proper absorption of water and nutrients. This can lead to impurities accumulating in the kidneys and bladder. It’s best to sit and relax while drinking water to allow your muscles and nerves to absorb the water more effectively.

4. Drinking Water During or Immediately After Meals

Many people, especially children, tend to drink water during meals or right after eating. This dilutes the digestive juices and interferes with the digestive process, potentially causing acid reflux and heartburn. The optimal times to drink water are 30 minutes before meals and 60 to 90 minutes after meals. This helps maintain the concentration of digestive juices and enzymes, promoting effective digestion. Small amounts of liquid, like buttermilk or soup, can be consumed during meals if needed.

5. Drinking Water During Yoga Sessions

For those who practice yoga regularly, it’s advisable to avoid drinking water during the session as much as possible. Drinking water can lower the internal energy required for effective practice. If necessary, sip a small amount of water. It’s better to hydrate well before starting your yoga session to stay hydrated throughout your practice without interruptions.

How Much Water Should You Drink?

The ideal amount of water varies from person to person, depending on factors like age, weight, health, and activity level. On average, aim to drink at least 2 to 2.5 liters of water daily. Your body maintains healthy water levels by excreting excess water in urine. Drinking too much water can lead to water intoxication, diluting sodium, potassium, and other electrolytes in the body. Conversely, not drinking enough water can result in dehydration, with symptoms like dark urine, dizziness, and tiredness. It’s crucial to find the right balance and drink the necessary amount of water according to your body’s needs.

Always remember to drink water mindfully and support your digestive system for optimal health.


“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn


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