The Best Fluffy Pancakes recipe you will fall in love with. Full of tips and tricks to help you make the best pancakes.

7 Best Superfoods to Fuel Your Weight Loss Journey

We eat different types of food -some of them help gain weight ,making our body look plumper, while others help to reduce weight and make body slimmer.

Today I will tell you 7 best foods that will help you to weight loss.

  1. Honey: Consuming honey before bed helps your body burn more fat during sleep. Honey stimulates the liver to produce more glucose, keeping your brain\’s sugar levels high and triggering the release of fat-burning hormones. Mix a tablespoon of honey with a little milk before bed for best results.


  • Chia Seeds: Start your day with chia seeds soaked in lemon juice. Mix a big tablespoon of chia seeds with half a lemon squeezed into a glass of water. Let the seeds soak for half an hour before consuming. This drink burns up to 6 calories of energy and prevents overeating throughout the day.


  • Jeera Water (Cumin Seed Water): Cumin seeds are excellent for weight loss as they significantly increase metabolism. Soak one tablespoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water overnight. Drink this water in the morning and chew some of the seeds for added benefits.
  • Cruciferous Vegetables: Cruciferous vegetables belong to the Brassicaceae family, which includes cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and kale. These foods are rich in fiber, which helps you feel full throughout the day. They are also low in calories and starch, making them ideal for weight loss.


  • Coconut Oil: Coconut Oil – Its medium-chain triglycerides can kickstart your metabolism and support fat loss.


  • Apple: Fruit is generally beneficial for health, but certain fruits offer additional benefits for specific reasons. Eating an apple, for example, is beneficial because its skin provides good fiber, keeping you satiated throughout the day. It\’s a low-calorie option that helps you feel full.


  • Iron, zinc, and selenium Foods: Iron, zinc, and selenium-rich foods enhance thyroid activity, which boosts metabolism and aids in calorie burning. Nuts and seeds such as almonds, walnuts, and cashews are excellent sources of these nutrients. For maximum benefit, soak them overnight and consume them in the morning


  • Turmeric – The active compound curcumin has been shown to assist in fat loss and overall health.


  • Cinnamon – This spice helps regulate blood sugar levels, reducing those pesky sugar cravings.



It\’s important to take care of yourself by eating four times a day, consuming only enough to satisfy your hunger each time. Additionally, aim to walk twice a day, in the morning and evening, and incorporate regular asanas (yoga postures) into your routine.


These practices will help you maintain your weight, stay fit, healthy, and cheerful. Take care.





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